The Importance of Studying Theology

Theology. How do you feel when you hear that word? Perhaps you think, “It’s too boring” or “That’s only for those geeky people!” Or perhaps you have been told or feel that theology “is only for those up in ivory towers.” What if we had a paradigm shift to think about theology, the study of […]
A Stephen Ministry Primer

If you’ve been at Faith for any length of time, you have probably heard about Stephen Ministry. But what is it exactly, and who can be involved? What does it take to become a Stephen Minister, and what does serving in the ministry look like? Today’s Q & A blog will answer some of the […]
Creative Evangelism: Sharing the Gospel in New Ways

When we think of “evangelism,” 80% of us start to sweat and immediately start looking for the closest emergency exit. It wasn’t until I realized that the gospel could be shared in ways I enjoyed that I stopped looking for the nearest exit and also stopped feeling ashamed that “evangelism” just felt so hard and […]
What’s in a Name?

“Mom! Mom!” One of our eleven-year-old boys was running to me excitedly, hardly able to contain himself. “I have a new name!” he said as he grinned from ear to ear. “It’s Fin!” he exclaimed. “Fin?” I asked. “Yes, Fin! My helmet has a FIN on it, so they are calling me Fin!” And off […]
10 Books to Accompany You on Your Spiritual Journey

We are all growing spiritually. Some of us are on the slow and steady path, and some of us are wandering through spiritual deserts. No matter what our paths might look like, we are all headed to a final destination. Our journey will have highs and lows, ups and downs. At times, the journey can […]
Journaling = My Worship

Hebrews 4:12: “For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” The word of God is living and active. Capable of live interaction. It CAN be more […]
All Things New

Ever since Genesis 3:15, our unchanging God has hinted about new things to come. In Isaiah 43:19, he says, “Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?” Despite our sin, weakness, and shortcomings, the God of the universe came from his […]
Holy Week Activities for Kids

I have fond memories of Holy Week. I grew up in a Christian home, so we would celebrate Easter with as much gusto as Christmas! New dresses and suits, egg coloring, Passion plays, Good Friday services, Easter baskets, family dinners (ham…mmmmm!), etc. The memories that stick out the most involved relationship and the process of […]
Praying Your Way Through Holy Week

Easter Sunday is a holiday we love to celebrate, and along with Good Friday, it hammers home our church’s absolute Gospel-dependence each year. If you’re like me and looking for a way to slow down the week leading up to Easter just a bit with some prayer and reflection, here are some simple prayers and […]
Flip Your Soul: Discover Rhythms to Help You Feel More Alive

Have you ever felt like your life was completely full, yet your soul was completely empty? Are you a member of that ever-growing tribe of the full-yet-empty people in our culture?I spent too many of my early young adult days as a member of that tribe. My family was full with a wonderful wife and […]