10 Books to Accompany You on Your Spiritual Journey

We are all growing spiritually. Some of us are on the slow and steady path, and some of us are wandering through spiritual deserts. No matter what our paths might look like, we are all headed to a final destination. Our journey will have highs and lows, ups and downs. At times, the journey can feel confusing, disorienting and dry. At other times, we are bursting with God’s love, enthusiasm for our faith and clarity about what’s ahead. As we navigate our life with God, it’s helpful to have resources that help us closely follow the One who guides us along the way. There are some fantastic books out there about spiritual formation, our faith journey and life with God. These books illuminate the path as we journey towards the heart of God.

Below is a list of 10 books about spiritual formation and journeying through life with God. Happy reading!

1. Sacred Pathways, Gary Thomas
God created each of us uniquely, and because of that, we have unique ways of connecting with him. While a 6:00am quiet time might work well for you to meet with God, a solo hike works best for me and liturgy works best for one of my friends. In Sacred Pathways, Gary Thomas explores the unique ways we have been created for connection with God, from contemplative prayer to Bible study and serving others.

2. Mansions of the Heart, Thomas Ashbrook
Following the outline of Theresa of Avila’s Interior Castle, Thomas Ashbrook invites the reader to explore various stages of the Christian faith as if exploring a giant mansion with different rooms, each room holding a new treasure to be discovered about intimacy with Jesus. If your faith feels routine, this book will help illuminate the wonder of what life with God can really be like.

3. Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, Peter Scazerro
As a therapist, I love how Peter Scazerro tackles the important intersection of emotional health and spiritual formation. A must-read for anyone who wants to take a deeper look at how their story and emotional health can impact their life with God.

4. This Too Shall Last: Finding Grace When Suffering Lingers, K.J. Ramsey
Few things shape our faith like suffering. K.J. Ramsey draws from her theological background and her experiences with chronic suffering to weave together a beautiful book about how suffering can be a catalyst for a deeply meaningful life with God.

5. The Deeply Formed Life, Rich Villodas
Winner of the 2021 Christianity Today Book Award, Rich Villodas invites you to go deeper into not only your belief in God but your experience of God. Truth be told, I haven’t read this yet, but it’s next on my list!

6. Life of the Beloved: Spiritual Living in a Secular World, Henri Nouwen
This classic book has changed millions of people’s lives. Give it a read and you’ll see why!

7. Transformed into Fire, Judith Hougen
It’s hard to live in our truest faith when we are wrapped up in the false self (Paul would call this the “old self,” Romans 6:6-10). If you’re feeling a pull to explore the notion of shedding the false self in order to live from the center of your truest identity in Christ, this is the book for you. It’s hard to look at these aspects of ourselves, but it sure is freeing when we do.

8. The Pursuit of God, A.W. Tozer
Best read slowly, The Pursuit of God can be a game changer when it comes to how you view and experience God. A.W. Tozer offers an enticing view of what your life with God can look like if you’re willing to break away from your self-imposed limits.

9. Invitation to a Journey, Robert Mulholland, Jr.
If spiritual formation feels like new territory and you’d like to get a broad overview of the journey, Mulholland’s book is an excellent resource. He lays out a map for what it looks like to be formed into the image of Christ as we love God and others. He provides orienting language to help you find yourself in the journey.

10. The Bible
You didn’t think I’d leave the Word of God out of my Top 10 list, did you? The Bible is our greatest roadmap for navigating our faith journey, and not only is it a roadmap, but it is also our companion along the way. God’s Living Word will always lead us to know him more deeply.

Becky Young is a counselor and spiritual director at Faith where she has been a member for five years. She also serves with Faith’s Photography Team and Writing Team. Becky enjoys writing about soul care and cultivating a deeper life with God. 

Becky was born and raised in Colorado and enjoys spending time with her husband, gardening and exploring God’s creation.