Easter Sunday is a holiday we love to celebrate, and along with Good Friday, it hammers home our church’s absolute Gospel-dependence each year. If you’re like me and looking for a way to slow down the week leading up to Easter just a bit with some prayer and reflection, here are some simple prayers and passages that you can use from Palm Sunday to Easter!
Palm Sunday
God, our Father, you sent your Son, Jesus, to become human and to suffer death on the cross. Even as he entered Jerusalem as a king, the humiliation and suffering of the cross was before him. In this week leading up to Easter, we remember your sovereign and good plan to save us. Help us, in your mercy, to walk this road with Jesus, remembering the pain and death he endured for us and trusting him that we can share in his life and resurrection. Amen. (Matthew 21:1-11)

Father, as we walk through this week remembering the cross, keep before us that Jesus didn’t enter directly into victory, joy and glory, but in humility he first suffered pain and crucifixion. Let the way of Jesus and the cross be the way that we walk: in humility and peace. We pray this in Jesus’ name, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen. (Hebrews 12:1-2)

Father, by the work of Jesus, you have made the cross and its horrendous death to be our way to eternal life and fullness of life. Greatness isn’t found in conquest, but in humility and service. Help us to find glory in and cherish the cross of Jesus, so that we glory in and cherish the life we have in him and so that we may suffer shame and loss well in his name. We want to be like Jesus. Amen. (Philippians 2:5-11)

Father, today we remember and we are grateful that you are angered by and demand satisfaction for sin and injustice. Even as this makes our own guilt plain, we also cannot imagine a world in which there is no answer for the evils committed. In your grace, you have provided at the cross the justice that we could not and you have given us the righteousness of Jesus. Thank you! Amen. (Ephesians 2:4-9)

Lord God, on the night before he suffered for us, your Son, Jesus, instituted communion for us to remember and receive his body and blood, broken and shed for us. He knew what was coming when he gave us this sacred practice. Help us to remember well his passion and love for us every time we receive it. In the remembering of our sin and the price paid for our sin, let us repent of sin and be remade like Jesus. Amen. (Luke 22:14-20)

Good Friday
Lord Jesus, remember us today as we gather to remember you. You willingly were betrayed and taken to suffer death at the cross as the penalty for the sins of mankind. We gather to remember that suffering and we cling to the loving forgiveness you offer for our sins. Even now you live and reign forever with God the Father and the Holy Spirit. (Hebrews 10:19-25)

Father, as the crucified body of Jesus lay in the tomb waiting for the third day when it would rise, help us to wait patiently, thinking about all your kindnesses and love demonstrated in the sending of Jesus to earth and to the cross for us. Give us grace to eagerly wait for and celebrate sharing in the resurrection with him in newness of life and life eternal. Amen. (Luke 23:50-56)

Easter Sunday
Jesus, we pray that above all else today, in all the celebration, all the prayers, all the laughing and singing, you would be proclaimed as Victorious King and Lord of the Church. You are our everlasting hope, and we will continue to celebrate until we see you face to face. Amen! (Luke 24:45-48)

Dan Pahlau has been on staff at Faith for ten years. He serves as our Worship Ministries Director, coordinating and leading all that goes into our Sunday worship. He loves building teams and developing relationships with people.
Dan is a Fort Collins native who enjoys roasting and brewing coffee, staying active and quoting “The Office.”