Understanding Grieving People

Isaiah 53:3 – “He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief…”There have been thousands upon thousands of books written about grief and the grieving process. Suffice it to say, then, that this short blog will represent a miniscule aspect of an uncapturable subject. Yet the words within this […]
Journey Project: Behind the Scenes

By now we’re all pretty familiar with most of what happened during the Journey Project over the past two years. Our initial goal was to raise $2 million over two years to complete some much-needed building improvements and reduce our mortgage debt in order to free up money for ministry. The November 2019 “first fruits” […]
Why I Rake

Rake Day is a fall tradition for my family. As a newlywed couple, my husband and I started spending a day each year helping those who needed assistance with raking their yards. As our family grew, we continued setting aside a fall Saturday to join our church family helping those in our church and our […]
Book Review: This Beautiful Truth, a Message of Hope

About a month ago I sat in a busy airport, weary. The last season of my life has been anything but easy. As I waited to board the plane heading to my next destination, I opened a new book, This Beautiful Truth by Sarah Clarkson. I picked up Sarah’s book in preparation for Faith’s sermon […]
Soul Care Check-Up

How are you doing? No really, how are you? How is your soul these days? Have you felt like yourself lately? I know these questions are a little probing, but stopping to reflect is one of the best ways we can live from a place of health and well-being. Life can strain our souls. Sometimes […]
How Faith is Bringing Hope to Fort Collins in Big Ways

Everyone – no, really, everyone – needs to know that there is hope to be found when life takes unforeseen and difficult detours. We live in a broken world that is in desperate need of a Savior. As Christians, we have the confidence of knowing that no matter what we might be facing, we will […]
Romans Sermon Series: Personal Impact

Romans 3:11-12 “None is righteous, no, not one; no one understands; no one seeks for God. All have turned aside; together they have become worthless; no one does good, not even one.”Country music artist Luke Bryan has a catchy little tune entitled “Most People Are Good.’’ Although it’s a “feel-good, warm, fuzzy, pick-me-up” melody that […]
Five Gifts God Gives Leaders Through Disappointment

Hey, Reader! I’m going to confess something to you today. “Leadership is challenging.” There, I said it. If you disagree, please go write a blog – and you are dismissed from reading the rest of mine. Still here? Don’t get me wrong, leadership is an absolute joy, but it also comes with its share of […]
What I’ve Learned from Being Married to My Opposite

As an artist, I’ve always been attracted to contrast and paradox appearing on the same surface or composition. Little did I know the same would hold true for attraction in a mate. I fell in love with an introverted engineer, a man of math and science and absolutes. When our marriage counselor exclaimed that we […]

In Romans 9 Paul examines predestination. The doctrine of predestination says that before the foundation of the world, God chose who he would save. This doctrine has raised no shortage of questions. Why are some people saved by God and not others? Is it because some people did not choose God or because God did […]