Soul Care Check-Up

How are you doing? No really, how are you? How is your soul these days? Have you felt like yourself lately?

I know these questions are a little probing, but stopping to reflect is one of the best ways we can live from a place of health and well-being. Life can strain our souls. Sometimes the cause and effect are obvious – a new work schedule has made your mornings feel more rushed – and yet at other times, our sense of wellbeing evaporates into thin air, seemingly without cause.

If we intentionally slow down for a moment to examine our lives, we can detect imbalance in schedules, relationships, our life with God, emotions and self-care rhythms. Restoring balance to our lives is vital. Doing a soul care check-up is a great first step towards bringing peace and harmony back into our lives, which we could all use a little more of these days. 

If you are feeling soul-tired, take heart because God longs to bring health, life and restoration to you. As we step into autumn, let’s do so with a renewed sense of stability. Below you’ll find a practice to help you recalibrate your soul and invite God’s strength into your life.

Taking an inventory of our lives can illuminate imbalance. If you take a little time to press into the questions below, you might be surprised by what the answers reveal. It can be helpful to specifically look at the last day, week and month of your life as you engage in this reflective exercise. 

Realms of Life

           •  Emotions
           •  Relationships & family
           •  Body (sleep, nutrition, movement, etc.)
           •  Mind
           •  Spiritual
           •  Work/school
           •  Rest 
           •  Recreation/play
           •  Schedule
           •  Environment (home, lighting, etc.)

Questions to Consider

•  Where do you feel most like yourself?

•  Where do you feel least like yourself?
•  When do you feel most connected to God?
•  Where do you sense the most stress?
•  Where do you sense imbalance in each realm?
•  Which realm in your life is most neglected?
•  Which realm is most life-giving?
•  Where are you overcommitted or overconnected?
•  Where would you benefit from more space?
•  What else does Jesus have to say about these realms in your life?


After reviewing the various realms of your life, what do you notice? What rose to the surface for you? Which question had the most obvious answers? Which answers were hardest to define? What were you tempted to gloss over?

Noticing is not about judging yourself, critiquing your decisions, or overcorrecting your actions. Noticing is simply paying attention and being open to something that God wants to bring across your path. 

Bringing balance back into our lives requires action. How you respond to the state of your soul has an impact on whether the balance you seek is sustainable. Nothing changes if nothing changes.

Is God asking you to surrender something to Jesus? Is he inviting you to take action somewhere? How can you implement boundaries or rhythms into your life to help protect your sense of balance and wellness? 

If we can risk the discomfort of pausing, checking in with ourselves and responding intentionally, we will discover God’s invitation to greater peace and balance in our lives. May we all step into fall with a renewed sense of balance and commitment to sustainable wellness in our lives. 

Becky is a therapist and spiritual director. She has been a member of Faith for five years. She also serves with Faith’s Photography Team and Writing Team. Becky enjoys writing about soul care and cultivating a deeper life with God.

Becky was born and raised in Colorado and enjoys spending time with her husband, gardening and exploring God’s creation.