Romans 3:11-12 “None is righteous, no, not one; no one understands; no one seeks for God. All have turned aside; together they have become worthless; no one does good, not even one.”
Country music artist Luke Bryan has a catchy little tune entitled “Most People Are Good.’’ Although it’s a “feel-good, warm, fuzzy, pick-me-up” melody that makes one tap his toe…it isn’t TRUE. We are deceived by the warm fuzziness. It negates the reality of our sinful nature and therefore negates the reality of our need for a Savior. Allowing my heart, spirit, and mind to digest the truth about the depravity of my sinful nature is sobering. And yet, the recognition of this depth of depravity creates a larger grasp of the extravagant nature of God’s gift — salvation (Romans 7:24-25)!
The Romans sermons series is impacting the lives of the many listening, contemplating, and receiving the truths revealed. May the Spirit encourage you as you read the following testimonies of individuals from our Faith family.
The message of 9/19/21 taken from Romans 9:1-15 about finding yourself in a crisis resonated with me as I find myself in a great crisis. Pastor Charlie asked the question that I’ve been asking in recent days – “Can God be trusted”?
My family suffered great loss recently when a beloved family member passed away. Our family organized a truly global prayer intercessory effort and pleaded most earnestly for our beloved to be healed and remain here with us. As this did not occur, my crisis was born.
This passage in Romans provides a slight glimpse into the mystery of God. As with all mysteries, a definitive answer can prove elusive, and at times there’s very little hope. But at the conclusion of Pastor Charlie’s sermon, he stated, “Look to the cross,” and in the final analysis, this is the journey to my answer.
My grief journey is a process and very personal. So too is my crisis journey. As I proceed on this journey, I will look to the cross.
~Ken Marshall
I was able to make use of the first five verses of Romans 9 in leading our CMA (Christian Motorcyclists Association) prayer breakfast this past Saturday morning. We all often pray for our friends’ and our own physical and health needs, which is good, but it was helpful to pray for the salvation of the lost and our level of concern for them.
~Charlies Compton
Romans takes me full circle through life. Paul describes in succinct detail my sinful condition and thankfully points me to the solution in the form of a Savior, Jesus. As life continues, I find myself continuing to do things that I don’t want to do and not doing the very things I want to do. Again, he points us to Jesus as the answer.
Even after I’ve placed my faith and trust in Jesus, both “good” and “bad” things happen. The one verse that I have prayed over and processed the most is Romans 8:28: “In all things God works for the good of those who love Him.” “All things” means both the good and the bad. I have come to realize that nothing happens to me that hasn’t first been sifted through his hands. This is comforting when the bad rudely arrives, and I can take comfort knowing that he did allow it. And he allowed it all along for my good. In fact, it would be unbearable to know that an unwanted act crossed into my life that hadn’t first passed through his hands. Thanks, Paul, for the reassurances!
~Rich Packard
After Jesus was crucified, there were so many questions. Paul was inspired by the Holy Spirit to help others understand the Christian faith and how we need to live our walk with Jesus on a daily basis.
A verse that hit home with me was Romans 8:26: “In the same way the Spirit also comes to help us, weak as we are. For we do not know how we ought to pray: the Spirit himself pleads with God for us in groans that words cannot express.”
So often I have thought that it was just me praying, but I now realize that the Holy Spirit is praying for me and with me. When I don’t know what to pray, the Holy Spirit will give me the words. The Holy Spirit understands the pain that I have when I am praying for someone.
During the month of August, I was praying for my sister-in-law, who was on a ventilator due to pneumonia. I was praying for a complete recovery. The Spirit was with me during that painful time. The Spirit was pleading with God. She passed away on September 3.
As I continued reading in Romans, I came to Romans 8:28: “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” As Pastor Brad said, “Suffering does not have the last word. God provides goodness and grace.”
God will take this situation to glorify his name.
By being in God’s word, I will continue to have faith and hope each day.
~Denise Marshall
I trust you are encouraged by these words from your Faith family. It is good to recall that Romans, and all of Scripture, communicates to us intricately and actively.
Hebrews 4:12 “For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”
And trust the God of Salvation.

Kelly Packard began attending Faith in 1997. She loves affirming the promises of God from his Word through writing, and, as part of Faith’s writing team, she brings that passion and insight to our church. Kelly has spent her professional career as a college/pro women’s basketball coach. In May 2020, Kelly and her husband Rich and their son Evan launched Living Hope Mountain Respite, a ministry geared toward helping couples who have lost a child. In her leisure time, she enjoys her family and friends, drinking coffee and exercise.