Know Your Missionaries

One of the things I love about our church is the way we intentionally reach out. We reach out to those who call Faith Church home, we reach out to people in our community, and we reach out to people around the globe. Isn’t it wonderful to consider the far-reaching impact we can have as […]
Serve 6.8 Serving Well

How many times have you come face-to-face with homelessness around Fort Collins’ grocery stores, bus stops, coffee shops and downtown? These encounters with poverty always stir feelings of sadness and compassion in me. But they also raise practical questions like “How can I help? What’s the best way to help? What could I possibly do […]
A Preview of Faith’s Sermon Series on Romans

On March 7, Faith Church is starting an eight-month journey through the book of Romans. Paul’s letter to the Romans has a long history of changing lives, and today it continues to change the world by changing people. Charles Wesley credited his effectiveness in leading the great revival in England to the spiritual transformation he […]
The Joy of Serving as a Volunteer at Faith

Each week, dozens of faithful volunteers serve in many different roles to help make ministry happen at Faith. When we arrive on Sunday morning to worship, the greeting we receive, the coffee we enjoy, the music we appreciate is all provided by volunteers. Those worshipping at home are blessed by teams investing their time and […]
Celebrate Spiritual Disciplines

When I was in college, I spent a summer serving on a mission trip called the Denver Urban Project. A group of us spent the summer living and working in Denver’s inner-city, living with members of a local church and helping the community. While my peers spent their summer traveling, partying or working jobs, I […]
Being a Courageous Parent

If I had to pick one emotion that has been in the background for most of 2020 and the beginning of 2021, it would be fear. I’m scared. Not for myself. I’m scared for my boys. Based on the conversations I’ve had with other parents in our small group and other circles (social media too), […]
How To Make the Most of Your New Year

I kind of feel bad for 2021. We put a lot of pressure on it. We wanted 2021 to redeem 2020, or at least be 25% better. So far, things don’t seem to be improving. It’s been a heavy 14 days so far. And yet, despite all the heaviness, joy is everywhere: beautiful sunsets, a […]

Exodus 3:14 – God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” And he said, “Say this to the people of Israel: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’”I’ve heard of short names before. Tom. Bob. Abe. You get the idea. Short names don’t necessarily mean the names have special meaning. Assuredly, short names don’t set […]
Why I Don’t Hate Christmas Anymore

Let’s clear the air on one thing: I never hated Christmas. It’s just that, in comparison with certain other people who are so full of holiday cheer this time of year (ahem, Pastor Charlie), my level of Christmas excitement was admittedly low. Rest assured, as I write this it’s mid-December and I’m sitting by my Christmas tree […]
A Preview of Faith’s January Sermon Series: Spiritual Disciplines

A mighty river of grace flows throughout history. This river is the river of life, which flows toward the healing of the nations and the restoration of all things. Those who swim in this river experience rest, refreshment, hope for the future and strength for today. To be sure, they are not perfect, but those […]