Each week, dozens of faithful volunteers serve in many different roles to help make ministry happen at Faith. When we arrive on Sunday morning to worship, the greeting we receive, the coffee we enjoy, the music we appreciate is all provided by volunteers. Those worshipping at home are blessed by teams investing their time and talents to make sure the livestream experience is the best it can be. In fact, volunteers are so essential to ministry that there are about ten times more volunteers than staff at Faith! In speaking with a few who serve at Faith, it’s hard not to be encouraged and inspired. Here are some insights on volunteering from a few of Faith’s volunteers: Dave Guest, Security Team Leader; Dan Kuntz, Usher Team and Elder; Gary “Pete” Peterson, “Early Bird” Bible class leader.
“I most enjoy the people with whom I serve. With everyone on the same page and working for a common cause, serving is more of a blessing than an obligation or sacrifice… It has been awesome to support Faith’s overall purpose on Sunday mornings along with the many other volunteers that make everything come together each week. It has been quite encouraging to see what goes into each Sunday… Faith has so many committed volunteers and ministry leaders who are intentional, who prepare extensively during the week, and who arrive very early on Sundays to provide the worship experience and welcoming environment we’ve come to expect.“
“Serving has led me to develop many meaningful friendships and has provided Christian fellowship that isn’t available just anywhere. In addition to a greater feeling of being connected to the church family, I am grateful for the opportunity to serve God using the gifts he has given me.”
“Volunteering at Faith for over 20 years has brought great joy each day that I walk into our church–a feeling of complete satisfaction in serving others.”
“It has always seemed natural for me to respond to needs… Upon reflection, it seems to me that my positive responses to service requests not only helped me identify my spiritual gifts but made me more useful in Jesus’ kingdom.”
“I never really thought about the idea of ‘volunteering,’ but somehow God has moved me into service roles. Overall, He seems to have made me useful to Him.”
“For anyone who hasn’t served or is wondering how their gifts and abilities might be used to glorify God and help the church, don’t be afraid to ask someone. There are many different volunteer opportunities available. You never know what doors might open as a result of serving.”
Well said!

Bob has been a member of Faith for 24 years. He has been Faith’s Administrator for ten years and on staff for 12.
At Faith, Bob serves as a writer for the blog, leads a small group, and serves in the Hospitality and Benevolence Ministries.
Bob grew up in Loveland and loves buying, selling, and detailing cars and spending time in Maui.