At Faith we are passionate about creating a preaching ministry that awakens, convicts, sanctifies and encourages God’s people.
The Bible doesn’t give any clear instruction about whether preaching should be done as a team, but the basic pattern of ministry in the New Testament is ministry done in community. So our general conviction is that preaching is a burden and a blessing best shared.
The benefits of this model are many. A team approach gives space for reflection, study and creativity. A team approach allows people at Faith to learn from a variety of gifted pastors. Finally, a team approach allows for friendship and refinement to those pastors who serve Faith by preaching God’s Word.
To help foster consistency in our preaching ministry we look for several characteristics in the pastors who are a part of Faith’s preaching team.
We look for pastors who…
• love the Bible and believe it is God’s inspired and inerrant word.
• know, love and proclaim Jesus.
• invite lost people to salvation.
• tell the truth.
• carefully and realistically apply the truth.
• handle objections compassionately.
• engage the next generation.
• have the presence and the power of the Holy Spirit.
• meet the qualifications of 1 Timothy 3.
Stay tuned for the Annual Report in October for some of our personal highlights from the past year in preaching ministry!
Charlie Sandberg is a Colorado transplant from Minnesota who enjoys writing, reading, running and spending time with his family. He is the teaching pastor at Faith and has been a member for 13 years. He loves helping people know and love Jesus by teaching the Bible.