The last election cycle has been hard. The angst and uncertainty in our country has been palpable. As the dust begins to settle on this contentious election season, people are now experiencing a variety of new emotions. Some people are elated and optimistic about the future because the candidates they voted for won. Others are despondent and fearful because the election did not go the way they wanted.
Regardless of what you feel, if you are a follower of Jesus there should always be a hint of sadness in political victory and optimism in political defeat. The sadness comes from knowing that the politicians you voted for will not save our country or bring lasting peace to our world. That role has already been taken by Jesus, and until he returns, kings and kingdoms will come and go. The optimism comes from knowing that Jesus is sovereign over the affairs of men, and he will return to reign on this earth.
In light of this reality, here are three very practical things to do:
- Place your hope fully in Jesus. It saddens me to hear so many Christians fearful about the future. People listening to our conversations and small group discussions or reading our emails and social media posts should know that we believe Jesus is sovereign and returning. He isn’t fretting about the results of this election or anxious for the future. This doesn’t mean that our electoral, legal, cultural and moral setbacks aren’t upsetting. They are. But as Christians, we know what happens today is not the end of the story. Jesus really does return. Jesus really does set all things right. God really is working all things together for our good. The results of this year’s election are not something God was unprepared for, and they are not beyond his power to redeem. He has a plan, and human history is moving forward according to that plan. Knowing these truths really should change everything about how we interpret and respond to the results of this year’s election.
- Honor and pray for our leaders. The Bible is clear that we are to honor and pray for those who lead our city, state and country. Instead of posting your angst or elation on social media, spend time praying for those who will lead our country in the coming years. Ask God to give them strength, wisdom, compassion and love. When you speak about those elected to office, make sure your words honor them as men and women who bear the image of God. Resist the temptation to belittle or demonize those you disagree with. Ask God to empower you to honor, respect and submit to all governing authorities. This is a miracle to experience, and experiencing this miracle will establish you in this season.
- Respect others. The church is a diverse community of people who are on a journey to a better country where there is a better King. As you journey to that country, respect your fellow brothers and sisters who may see things differently than you. Believe the best about those who voted for a different candidate. Be curious about their political perspective. One of the beauties of the church is that we point this world to the great unity in diversity that one day will mark the human story. So in this time, respect and honor other people, and together let’s continue pressing on until Jesus returns!

Charlie Sandberg is a Colorado transplant from Minnesota who enjoys writing, reading, running and spending time with his family. He is the Teaching Pastor at Faith and has been a member for 13 years. He loves helping people know and love Jesus by teaching the Bible.