Paint to the Music: A Community Collaboration in Art

I don’t think I really enjoyed collaborating in art until I had children. Children are innately artistic and creative, and I loved partnering with my boys to create and play and make. It was a mess, but there was such life in those times. This love of creative collaboration continues and has expanded during my art career. I’ve gone from a “do-it-all-by-yourself” artist to an artist who wants to bring along as many as possible into my creative adventures. I think that is all the Lord’s doing! Through God’s leading (seriously…I wouldn’t have done these projects without his prompting), I’ve completed several artist collaborations with children and adults alike, and each time, my love for the process grows and so does my heart for people.

This Sunday, September 20, is another such opportunity, and you are invited! The project that we are doing grows from that love of creative collaboration, but also from my love for my community and my heart to share the Gospel. Gathering around artistic projects that make our community more beautiful helps to break down barriers and helps us find our common bonds. Art can often open doors that other things cannot. It is a valuable tool for sharing the love of Christ. God is creative, and as his children, we should be huge supporters of the creative arts. It’s a nurturing, generative activity that I believe we are called to pursue. Think about the things that have fed your soul while you have been in this crazy quarantine season. Music? Literature? Movies? Visual art? These are all forms of art. 

“Paint to the Music,” this Sunday’s collaboration in art, is an event that invites community families to come paint at the church while listening to various types of piano music. “Why?” you may ask. Because I need help creating a piano for the Fort Collins Pianos About Town Public Art Program. I was selected to decorate a piano this year, and I thought it would be meaningful for the community to help me create an artistically embellished piano that can be enjoyed by one and all. The piano design I envisioned will use the creations of our participants as collage materials that will add a layer of interest and human touch. This piano project will be completed by the end of the year.

Often, artists are seen as loners. The act of creating is seen as a solitary thing, but it doesn’t have to be. Sure, there are times when I need a quiet studio to work through a design challenge or to get just the right light or detail in a painting, but there are also times when art-making can be a community adventure. My hope in this project is that families who are looking for creative projects for their kids will come see how the body of Christ operates and how we love and care for children. It is my hope that in seeing this, they will become curious about what makes us “tick” and come to know the one who holds our hearts and gifted us with the ability to create.  

Want to engage your artistic side? Please come! 
“Paint to the Music”
Sunday, September 20, 11:45am – 1:00pm
Faith Church lawn, on the west side of North Commons (signs will point the way)
Supplies will be provided; there’s no need to bring anything.

If you want to learn more about this event or are interested in helping reach our community through creative engagement, please contact Amelia Furman at 970.541.4273 or

Amelia Furman has been a member of Faith for seven years. She is a professional fine artist and teacher who specializes in mixed media art.

At Faith, Amelia serves as a writer for the blog and The Perspective and encourages others in blessing people with their creativity. She loves telling meaningful, thought-provoking stories that shape imaginations and minds for God’s glory. 

Amelia is from Pennsylvania and enjoys painting, reading, running, hiking, and laughing.