Insight from Faith’s Interns: An Interview with Ryan, Jacob and Austin

Recently, Faith wrapped up the ministry year, albeit in a strange, COVID-stamped style, and with the ending came the completion of this year’s internships. We had three interns giving us their very best in ministry, and we want to capture a little bit of their perspective on the year.

A significant portion of the internship was devoted to weekly reading and discussion on such things as church history and theology under Pastor Charlie’s leadership. The rest of their time was spent serving in particular ministries. We, as a ministry team, are so proud of the work they put in and cannot wait to work shoulder-to-shoulder with them for much more ministry!

What’s one thing that surprised you in your reading this year? (edited for length)

Ryan Wessel (Student Ministries, Middle School Worship): How fun yet terrible church history is! It’s amazing how many mistakes the church made and continues to make, but so encouraging to see how God still works no matter our flaws as a global church.

Jacob Hardman (Worship Ministry, High School Worship)
: That many of the problems that we deal with in ministry today are the same problems that the church has been dealing with since its inception.

Austin Henckel (Faith Kids, Midweek Programming): I had always thought that I was living a pretty faithful life to where God had called me, but many times throughout the reading, I found myself wondering if that were really true. As the Lord continued to challenge me, I found more areas where I needed to change. I felt like I couldn’t not change. After all, that’s what the gospel is supposed to do to you.

What’s one thing that surprised you in ministry this year?

RW: How many middle schoolers continued to join us for our online Zoom meetings. It’s hard to tell they enjoy it when they’re not running around being loud all the time!

JH: The adjustment to ministry in a COVID-19/stay-at-home environment.

AH: My team really came together and bought into what we were doing at Midweek. By the end of the semester, each volunteer realized that the work being done was important–they weren’t there just to put in time out of obligation. Plus, it could be a lot of fun!

What is something you’ll carry with you into the future?

RW: Quite literally — all these books! They each had a specific purpose and focus that will be helpful for further ministry as well as developing my own theology.

JH: That in 2000+ years of history, we as broken Christians haven’t managed to kill the church. And thus, God will continue to work and move through our mistakes in ministry.

AH: I have no desire to say I’m a follower of Christ without backing it up with the heart and actions to say so, but I felt like that’s who I was slipping into. I would rather be the one who cannot help but be filled with joy because of the treasure I’ve found and proclaim Jesus Christ and him crucified until my death. I’m not there yet, but I think Jesus has put the right circumstances and people in my life to push me in that direction.

Anything else you want the church to know?

RW: The enemy is always trying to attack the church. Disagreements will flood the church until Jesus returns. Sometimes these are huge things; sometimes they’re little. We can either fuel them or we can put them out. What we need to do now is follow Jesus with all our hearts and fulfill the calling that he puts in us. Pray. Pray. Pray. Let the Lord do his work.

JH: It was an amazing blessing to lead worship for all different types of services. My time at Faith has shown me that I am meant for a lifetime of ministry. Be it in a full-time or volunteer capacity, my life and skills belong to the Lord.

AH: One of the things that I’m most thankful for was getting to know Charlie and the other interns. Our conversations became really encouraging and life-giving. God’s used them to challenge me, encourage me, and give me insight in times that I really needed it.

Who finished the year as intern #1? (We asked this as part of a running joke, so the answers were playful, but since Jacob was my (Dan’s) intern, I’m going to leave this gem below.)

AH: I’m not sure, but I think Jacob did more work over the course of the internship than Ryan, Charlie and I combined.


One thing is for sure: we were better for the ministry of all three of these young men this last year. Even before COVID hit, they were making their mark, but all three contributed in enormous ways during this unprecedented shutdown, and it made us all the more grateful for them!

Well done, interns!

Dan Pahlau has been on staff at Faith for nine years as the
Worship Ministries Director. At Faith, he coordinates
and leads our worship services and one of his favorite parts of his job is
building teams and relationships with people.

Dan is a Fort Collins native who enjoys roasting and brewing
coffee, staying active and quoting The Office.