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Beginning March 2, we will unite as one church family for a single, 10:00am service. This temporary shift is an opportunity for us to come together in unity, lifting our voices in praise and exultation of Jesus. After a seven week period of worshiping together, we will return to our two-service format at 9:00am and 10:30am on April 20, continuing in the same vision of a single unified expression of worship.

Ready to connect?  Fill out a Connect Card and our team will be in touch with you!

At Faith you can expect a warm and welcoming community and teaching that is rooted in the Bible.

Here’s what you’ll experience on a Sunday morning:

  • People of all ages—we’re multi-generational and we love it.
  • Warm, friendly welcome and great people.
  • A Connection Center where you can get answers to all your questions about our church.  Please stop by—we have a gift for you!

Ready to connect?  Fill out a Connect Card and our team will be in touch with you!

Attend Our Intro to Faith Church Class: Get to know the heart and soul of our church community, discover your gifts and how to use them, and learn some great ways to grow spiritually.

Check our event calendar for the next Intro to Faith Church Class.

Join a Small Group: Be encouraged and inspired in your faith as you meet weekly in the community with others who love Jesus.

Ready to connect?  Fill out a Connect Card and our team will be in touch with you!