COVID-19 and Giving

Over the past two months, the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the world in ways hard to fathom. While we like to think we have some measure of control over our lives, an event like this brings home just how vulnerable we are to something so far out of our control. It also serves as a reminder that none of this is a surprise to God, and he is still at work in our lives and in the world in the midst of it all.

At Faith, responding to the Stay-at-Home order meant rethinking how to do ministry, creating online services within a week, closing the office and thinking through how to work from home to the extent possible while still moving ministry forward.

One of the first unknowns was the effect of the shutdown on giving. Recent surveys indicate that most churches are experiencing a decline in contributions since the start of the pandemic, and this has also been the case at Faith.

However, while giving is down slightly, God continues to provide all that is needed to keep ministry moving, and Faith’s congregation continues to rely on his provision and give generously even in such uncertain times.

The number of those giving online through the Faith Church app or text-to-give has increased as many have changed their method of giving, and those who prefer to give by check have been faithfully filling the church mailbox. Along with contributions, many of these have been accompanied by notes of encouragement, which are much appreciated by staff. Because of God’s continuing provision for the General Fund, Faith has been able to cover all expenses including payroll as normal, and because of his provision for the Journey Project, our mortgage has been paid down and we are able to keep moving forward with facility projects such as purchasing cameras for online worship service streaming.

We have much to be thankful for and will continue to plan carefully and look forward to what God will do in this next season of ministry. It will be exciting for sure!

Bob has been a member of Faith for 24 years. He has been Faith’s Administrator for ten years and on staff for twelve.

At Faith, Bob serves as a writer for the blog, leads a small group, and serves in the Hospitality and Benevolence Ministries.

Bob grew up in Loveland and loves buying, selling, and detailing cars and spending time in Maui.