I don’t know about you, but I’m excited that Advent is here. I’ve been looking forward to this season since…oh, about March. Advent is not meant to anesthetize us from our angst or distract us from the hard things we might be experiencing this year; rather it is an intentional space for us to enter into as we await the coming of Christ in the midst of our darkening world. Advent is a light – a reminder that a larger story is happening in the midst of the darkness we experience. This year, we could all stand to spend more intentional time looking to Jesus, and it is in that spirit that I offer you some Advent resources which might help bolster your traditions and inspire a renewed focus on this beautiful season.
Faith’s Advent Devotional
My good friend and teaching pastor here at Faith, Charlie Sandberg, writes an Advent devotional for Faith each year. Charlie pours hours and hours of time, energy and prayer into this endeavor as a way to bless our church during Advent. This year’s devotional theme is The Gifts of Christmas, and, although I’m only a few days into reading it, this devotional has proven itself to be a gift to all of us here at Faith. Make sure to pick up a hard copy at the church office or download a digital version here.
Books & Devotionals
Honest Advent
Pauses for Advent
All Creation Waits
Advent Conspiracy
Playlists & Podcasts
Sacred Ordinary Days: Advent Playlist
Advent: An Art & Theology Playlist
The Gospel Coalition: Advent Playlist
Advent with Jill Briscoe
Advent Calendars & Wreaths
MyAdvent: create a free, custom digital Advent calendar that you can share with family and friends
DIY Craft Advent Calendar
Advent Wreath Spiral
Art & Performances
The 2020 Advent Project: Hosted by Biola University, each day includes Scripture and a devotion which is accompanied by a poem, song or art.
Advent Art: Pastor and author Russ Ramsey is using art to lead thoughtful Advent reflections each day this season.
Faith’s Christmas Concert: Our annual Christmas Concert will be virtual this year. Watch it on December 17 & 18 at 7:00pm.
Handel’s Messiah: A free livestream will be available to the public on December 21 at 6:00pm MST.
Songs of Hope Concert: On December 6 at 6:00pm MST, The Gospel Coalition is hosting a free virtual concert with artists like Shane & Shane, Caroline Cobb and Josh Garrels.
Family Activities
Good Dirt: a guidebook for families full of creative ideas for tending the garden of our souls during Advent and beyond
Advent Blocks: a tangible way to engage children in Advent
Jesse Tree: Trace the lineage of Jesus as you decorate a tree with ornaments.

Becky Young is a counselor and spiritual director at Faith where she has been a member for five years. She also serves with Faith’s Photography Team and Writing Team. Becky enjoys writing about soul care and cultivating a deeper life with God.
Becky was born and raised in Colorado and enjoys spending time with her husband, gardening and exploring God’s creation.