Kids Day Camp is loved by hundreds of kids and adults at Faith and in our community each year. Here’s a peek behind the curtain at some of what makes the first week of June at Faith so special!
Facts and Figures
• Number of campers: 299 (capacity 300)
• Number of volunteers: 130
• Approximate hours spent building set and decorations: 40-50
• Number of kids who started a relationship with Jesus: two

What the Volunteers Said
To me as a Head Coach it was fun to get to know Crew Leaders (teenagers) in my group and watch them interact with kids. And of course, it was great to see a big group of people gathering, after what we went through with COVID. Oh, and some parents telling me how much fun their kids are having at the KDC!
– Nori Shackel

Because of the opportunity we had to host KDC in our garage last year due to COVID, one of the neighbor boys got a taste of the excitement KDC holds. He actually hunted me down at the end of the school year, anxious to have another KDC experience. When I informed him that it would be at the church this summer, I expected that to be a deal-breaker. But no! My 11-year-old neighbor asked hesitantly, “Well… do you think I’d be allowed to go even though I’m not a Christian or anything?” Shocked, I exclaimed, “Of course you can come!” I’m excited he had a week of God’s Word and God’s love poured into him. KDC is a magnet that draws children to know more of our God who treasures them.
– Kelly Hess

We had a lot of fun in Bible Adventures! I loved seeing the kids take part in the Bible stories each day — whether it was having everyone flex their muscles when we were learning about the selection of David as a new king (Samuel thought a king would be strong), or having them give their best beauty poses while participating in Queen Esther’s beauty pageant. The room was often filled with laughter and awe as these stories came to life! It was encouraging to see the children in person after last year — and especially to see several children make decisions to pray and follow Jesus!
– Ben Hess
Having a smaller number of kiddos gave the volunteers more time to spend with the kiddos and dig deeper in the love Jesus has for them! I feel we had a better engagement to our program with fewer kiddos opposed to the years before with double the kids! Not so rush, rush!
– Sandy Simpson

Valerie Bouchard has been attending Faith since 2010 and came on staff in 2015 as the Communication and Connection Director. She is passionate about helping people love Jesus more in their everyday lives and especially loves serving alongside gifted leaders and creatives at Faith.
Outside of Faith, you’ll find her hiking with her golden retriever, Kai, coaching CrossFit classes or planning her next travel adventure.