The Journey Project Through the Eyes of an Artist

I had been unsettled and restless for months. I knew something was brewing. For me, God’s promptings and urgings usually start with a sense of unrest and a need to do something. I’ve learned to recognize it and prepare myself for some unknown adventure. I never know when God will pull the trigger, but I […]

Marriage Mentors

Healthy, thriving marriages are a beautiful reflection of the love that is found in Christ. The Marriage Mentoring ministry at Faith exists to help couples find strength, health and support as they navigate different seasons in life. Whether you are newly engaged, just married or are about to celebrate your 30th wedding anniversary, the Marriage […]

Daily Devotionals

Good devotionals are like daily companions that walk with us and point us to Christ as the year goes on. Devotionals help us think about the things of God in bite-sized pieces and can make great additions to our daily time with God. If you’re looking to add a new devotional to your reading routine […]

What Exactly Is an Evangelical Free Church?

If you’ve been at Faith for a while, you probably remember one or more of the different variations of our sign on the northwest lawn. Until about five years ago, those signs read “Faith Evangelical Free Church.” Not only was our name a mouthful to say, but for those not familiar with the terminology, it […]